"GIRLS ON THE RIVER" - Short Film Trailer
Having successfully launched “A Short Film Experience Festival” on March 23, 2019--we proudly debuted our short film “Girls on the River” before a sold-out audience at The Vacaville Opera House. The plot of the film unfolds along the Sacramento River, as Kym and her friends (Monique, Jennifer and Sarah) set out on an end of summer rafting trip. The sudden victims of a date rape attempt, the women quickly find themselves fighting for their lives...somewhere downriver--and miles from civilization. Directed and Produced by Arnold Gaitan, the film is executive produced by the director's wife and business partner Shawna Gaitan. Having conceived the story after a personal mishap on a local river, the Gaitans hashed out a story. Eventually bringing in teammate and writer Jacques C. Earley...to polish the script, they began to fashion the project as a proof-of-concept film short in order to attract potential studio interest and investors.
Hammer Time “The Building Of An Empire” Documentary
MIH also proudly participated in a documentary production on MC Hammer. Shot in-house at the MIH studios. Arnold Gaitan...served as Associate Producer and Editor, in addition to first camera operator on the production. Covering Hammer's legendary career, the film takes cameras behind-the-scenes for a comprehensive look at the rise and fall of Hammer. Complete with never before seen footage, the documentary supplies the public, media, and entertainment industry...with multiple closely kept revelations about the star's true origins...and the people who helped to create the legend. Featuring the music of multiplatinum Rap/Pop/R&B producer James "Jae-E" Earley, this is an eyeopening documentary for the ages.